Tuesday, June 26, 2007

week 3, thing 6: flickr mashups

Good afternoon,

Before exploring much deeper into flickr, I had to figure out what a mashup was... duh...

A mashup, for the unfamiliar, is a hybrid web application that uses data from an outside source to drive a web service. Mashups can be created using data culled from RSS feeds, public databases, or any open data source.
(from: http://www.webmonkey.com/06/08/index4a.html)

From that article, I used captioner!, which allows you to add cartoon balloons to pictures. I tried saving one captioned picture and then posting it to this site, but the caption didn't get saved. Another staff member was able to save his caption, so I guess I would just need to spend a little more time with it. Did some good ones of places and people... webmonkey is right, it really does bring out your juvenile streak :)

I enjoy sudoku, so I also looked at the flickr sudoku mentioned. My goodness, how hysterical. I was given a sudoku with 9 different pictures of hamsters! I switched the set of pictures, putting in the tag, "pig," and got even better pictures. This is a little more difficult to complete than the pencil and paper version; with the pictures (which fill entire squares), it's hard to distinguish between rows and columns. I didn't finish (but, for the record, could have).

I had a little trouble getting back to the list of flickr applications once I got to the home page. It seems like the basics (uploading, searching) are relatively easy, but there's so much to do on Flickr, you'd have to spend quite a while exploring.

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