Wednesday, August 8, 2007

week 5, thing 12: rollyo

Rollyo would be helpful if you were interested in particular subjects and wanted information or updates from sites or blogs that you trusted or wanted to limit your information to.

I see the primary benefit of rollyo (as with RSS) as saving users time. Instead of sifting through 10,000 Google results, or spending a half-hour typing and clicking on 20 different sites, this culls the information on your requested sites into one simple screen, just as bloglines does.

It seems like when the internet first exploded, people were interested in all of the information that was available. It is interesting to see all of these tools that are now helping people sift through and personalize the information they receive, as well as to save themselves unnecessary time navigating around on the net.

On rollyo, my search engine is titled "silver and black" and my profile is under sjsmith. I am pretty sure that I made it public. It's an Oakland Raiders search engine.

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